How to Draw Kid Flash From Young Justice TUTORIAL

Fictional character

Wally West

Wally Westward every bit The Flash, on the comprehend of The Flash vol. two #207 (April 2004). Art by Michael Turner.

Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Every bit Kid Flash:
The Flash #110 (Dec 1959)

As Flash:
Crisis on Space Earths #12 (March 1986)

Created past John Broome (writer)
Carmine Infantino (artist)
In-story data
Full proper name Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West
Species Metahuman
Team affiliations Teen Titans
Young Justice
Justice League
Justice League Europe
Justice League Aristocracy
White Lantern Corps
Justice League Task Force
Partnerships Kid Wink (Bart Allen)
Wink (Barry Allen)
Impulse (Irey West)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Notable aliases Child Wink, Flash
  • Infinite Super-Speed
  • Hyper-accelerated brain-activity
  • Phasing - Vibration to phase through objects
  • Enhanced perceptions and heightened senses
  • Fourth dimension travel by running faster than light
  • Enhanced speed, strength, reflexes, agility and stamina
  • Cosmos of vortexes
  • Electrokinesis
  • Electromagnetism
  • Dimensional travel
  • Time manipulation
  • Able to give/have speed
  • Speed-Force aura
  • Speed steal
  • Speed force absorption & negation
  • Accelerated healing

Wallace Rudolph "Wally" Westward is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics as the original Kid Flash and the third Wink.[1] His ability consists mainly of superhuman speed. The nephew of Iris W, he first appeared in Flash #110 (1959), which depicted his transformation into Kid Flash. Under the mantle of Kid Flash, Wally was depicted equally a teenage sidekick to his Uncle Barry and a founding member of the Teen Titans. After Barry's decease in Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985, Wally took on the role of the Flash from 1986 to 2009 in DC'southward primary lineup until Barry returned in The Flash: Rebirth. Notwithstanding, Wally is the fastest grapheme to ever hold the curtain of the Wink and a fan-favorite. He would later return equally the main Flash since 2021, as part of the Infinite Borderland relaunch.

In his debut as the Flash, Wally wears a distinct ruddy and gold costume which, like his uncle, he traditionally stores compressed inside a ring. He afterward creates a costume directly out of Speed Strength free energy. Post-obit his return in 2016, Wally is able to easily generate white lightning, which ways his connection to the Speed Force is stronger than ever. During the get-go stage of his return, he temporarily wore an alternate reddish and silver costume when he wasn't the main Wink.

Generally portrayed as a white man with ruby pilus and dark-green eyes, Wally was reinterpreted biracial for DC's 2011 New 52 relaunch. A desire from fans to see the original interpretation of the character restored, however, led to Wally returning in 2016's DC Rebirth, while his New 52 reinterpretation was revealed equally a separate character renamed as Wallace in order to avoid confusion.

Wally West has appeared in many other forms of media and was featured every bit the incarnation of the Flash in the Cartoon Network series Justice League, voiced by Michael Rosenbaum, and the 2010 picture Justice League: Crisis on Ii Earths, voiced by Josh Keaton. As Kid Flash, he appeared in Cartoon Network's Young Justice series, voiced by Jason Spisak.

Fictional grapheme biography [edit]

Kid Flash [edit]

Wallace Rudolph West Two, or Wally West, was created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino and introduced in The Wink #110 (1959). The character was the nephew of the existing Flash character'southward girlfriend and later wife, Iris Due west. During a visit to the Fundamental City police laboratory where Barry Allen worked, the freak accident that gave Allen his powers repeated itself, bathing Wally in electrically charged chemicals. Now possessing the same powers as the Wink, West donned a smaller-sized copy of Barry Allen's Flash outfit and became the young crimefighter Kid Flash. Wally had a strained relationship with his ain parents and oftentimes looked to his dear aunt and uncle for moral back up and guidance. He too operated as a lone superhero in his hometown, Blue Valley, Nebraska, when not partnering with the Flash.

This costume was subsequently altered (in The Wink #135 (1963)) to ane that would brand him more visually distinctive.[2] The original red was replaced with a costume that was primarily yellow with red leggings, gloves and lightning bolt emblem. The ear pieces initially remained yellow, but became reddish in later issues.

In addition to his appearances inside the Flash title, the character was a founding member of the newly created Teen Titans, where he became friends with Dick Grayson, and so known equally Robin, later known every bit Nightwing.[1] Sometime after, Wally contracted a mysterious illness that affected his entire bodily system; the more he used his speed powers, the faster his body deteriorated. This could accept been caused by one of two things, Wally was a boy when the electrified chemicals altered his body, which was still developing and maturing (as opposed to Barry Allen, who was already an adult when his accident occurred) or when he was struck with a weapon during his time with the Teen Titans. As such, as Wally'due south trunk matured, his altered body chemical science was slowly killing him.

The Flash [edit]

During the 1985–1986 miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths, Barry gave his life to salvage the Earth when destroying the antimatter cannon that was aimed at Earth.[3] Initially unaware of this, Wally was coaxed by Jay Garrick into profitable the heroes against the Anti-Monitor's forces. During the final boxing with the Anti-Monitor, Wally was struck by a blast of anti-matter energy, which cured his disease. In the backwash of the conflict, Wally took on his fallen mentor's costume and identity.[4]

The decision by DC Comics' editorial staff to radically alter their fictional universe saw a number of changes to the condition quo of the character. Wally West became the new Wink, just less powerful than his predecessor.[1] For example, instead of being able to achieve the speed of low-cal, he could run just faster than that of sound.[4] As well, the character had to eat vast quantities of food to maintain his metabolism.[5]

Those changes were chop-chop followed up and 1987 saw the publication of a new Flash comic, initially written past Mike Baron. These stories focused not only on the Flash's superhero exploits, but the land of Wally's wealth. Westward won a lottery,[6] bought a large mansion,[7] and began dating beautiful women. The character's finances and luck connected to ebb and wane until The Flash vol. two #62, when his fortunes stabilized.

Wink vol. 2 #1 (June 1987). Wally Due west holds as first the Modern Age Flash; art by Jackson Guice.

The 1990s also saw farther modifications to the expect of the character, with a modified uniform actualization in 1991.[8] This modified costume contradistinct the visual appearance of the traditional Flash costume, with a chugalug fabricated of two connecting lightning bolts meeting in a "5" at the front (where Allen's costume had a single commodities in a horizontal band), removal of the wings from the top of his boots, a change in the material of his costume, and opaque lenses added to the optics of his cowl. This modified design utilized elements of the costume designed by creative person Dave Stevens for the alive activity television series The Flash.

A hard see was made with a vicious foe, the commencement Reverse-Wink (Eobard Thawne). Thawne had been killed by Barry Allen shortly earlier Allen's expiry, merely this version of Thawne was from a time period earlier he originally became Allen's enemy - as well served to increment the speed of the character, forcing him to push past a psychological block he had placed on his powers. To prevent himself from truly "replacing" Barry, Wally had subconsciously express his speed so that he could never become his mentor'south equal, but when Thawne arrived in the present and briefly posed equally Barry Allen, his bragging that he would become the truthful Wink forced Wally by this cake, as he feared Thawne replacing Barry more than he feared himself doing so.[9] After this encounter, he was again Barry Allen's equal in speed, and eventually became even faster. Though he still had non been able to recover Barry's vibrational/phasing abilities for a time (he could vibrate through objects but this would crusade the object to explode), he gained several new powers that Barry never had. He was able to share/steal speed, use his speed to kinetically upgrade his attacks, and super heal others.

Writer Marker Waid expanded on the graphic symbol's powers thematically and further redefined the character past introducing the Speed Force, an energy source that served every bit a pseudo-scientific explanation for his powers and that of other fictional speedsters within the DC Universe. Using this concept as a basis, the character's ability to tap into the Speed Strength was used to expand his abilities. The graphic symbol was now able to lend speed to other objects and people[ten] [11] and create a costume direct out of Speed Force energy. Traditional powers such as the power to vibrate through solid objects were also restored. Because of this, the Wink felt pressured into having to constantly be heroic 24/7. During this time, he joined the latest incarnation of the Justice League.

The 2000s saw writer Geoff Johns revitalize the character by introducing new versions of characters such every bit Zoom; making significant use of the Rogues; and marrying the grapheme to longtime girlfriend Linda Park.[12] Other changes included restoring the Flash to a secret identity; his identity had been public since presently after Barry Allen'southward death, but the traumatic events of his kickoff boxing with Zoom prompted Wally to make a bargain with the Spectre to erase his identity from public noesis (although this was initially so successful that even Wally forgot he was the Flash).

During the Identity Crisis crossover, Wally and Kyle Rayner learned Dr. Light's mindwipe by the original Justice League and the cause of the villain'south transformation from a dangerous serial rapist to an ineffectual buffoon. When Dr. Light vows revenge against the League, Wally realizes that the villain is over again a powerful threat. He then warns the Teen Titans and Outsiders non to underestimate Dr. Light, and later joins their fight confronting him.

In the miniseries Infinite Crisis, every bit a narrative device, Wally West and his family unit were seen leaving for an culling reality. This immune the character Bart Allen to become the quaternary Flash and headline a relaunched third volume of the championship, called The Wink: The Fastest Man Alive.

The critical reaction to this new version of the Flash was mixed and Bart was killed off in the final issue of the short-lived tertiary volume.[i] It was decided that Wally West should return, and the JLA/JSA story "The Lightning Saga" was used to return the graphic symbol to Globe forth with his wife and children, who appear to have aged several years.

The character next appeared in All Flash #1 (2007), seeking vengeance on those who had killed Bart Allen. This was followed by The Wink vol. 2, which resumed publication after the long hiatus with effect #231 (October 2007). The series found the character struggling with trying to enhance his ii super-powered twins, plagued by accelerated growth and their inexperience in the heroic game, a task fabricated more hard by Wally'due south unemployment, his inability to keep a steady chore, and the mistrust of the League for his decision to bring two children into the fold. The serial was canceled with issue #247 (Feb 2009).

In Last Crisis, the graphic symbol was reunited with Barry Allen, who had returned to life.

Blackest Dark [edit]

During the Blackest Night, Wally Due west assists Barry Allen in spreading the word to every hero on Earth about the rise of the Black Lantern Corps. When Black Paw brings dorsum Nekron, Barry is attacked past an army of Black Lanterns, while struggling to fight them off, Wally comes to his rescue, bringing with him the Justice League & Teen Titans, Bart Allen, the Kid Flash, amid them. The 3 Flashes fight their fashion through Black Lanterns and charge at Nekron. Earlier they tin can strike, the Black Lantern Guardian Scar attacks them, attempting to convince them into becoming Black Lanterns. Right after, Hal Hashemite kingdom of jordan and the leaders of the seven Lantern Corps go far to aid. The heroes attack the Black Lanterns, but when Black Hand reanimates Batman's corpse as a Blackness Lantern, the resulting emotional daze allows the Black Lantern rings to latch onto the resurrected heroes, transforming Superman, Superboy, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Kid Flash into Black Lanterns. Black Lantern Bart Allen attacks Barry Allen, and the ii brawl for a moment before Wally fights him off. A pair of Black Lantern Rings then lock onto Barry and Hal. Wally flees with Barry, with Barry telling him to stay and protect himself and Bart. Barry and Hal then flee the scene to avoid becoming Black Lanterns.

Return: The New 52 and DC Rebirth [edit]

Following the 2011 reboot of the DC comics universe, Wally West appears to have never existed. A seemingly new estimation of Wally W was introduced in The Flash vol. four Almanac #3. Originally portrayed as the New 52 version of the classic and original character and the biracial son of Rudy W, this biracial Wally, renamed Wallace West in later comics to avoid confusion, was retconned in DC Rebirth #i as being the cousin of Wally Westward, and the son of the New 52 Opposite Flash, Daniel West. Both cousins are explained as having been named after their great-granddad.

The being of Wally West is hinted at in the last issue of Titans Hunt, in which the diverse original Teen Titans think their bond to each other, simply realise that they are even so forgetting an important final member of their team. They look out to the ocean as lightning strikes.[13]

Wally West's Rebirth costume as the Flash is in homage to his previous Child Flash and the Flash costumes. Promotional art for DC Rebirth by Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund.

Wally West is reintroduced to DC continuity a calendar week later in a DC Rebirth story. The story reveals that following the Flashpoint event, Wally became lost in the Speed Force for 10 years. While trapped, he came to realize that Barry had non been responsible for the mutation of the New Earth universe into Prime Earth but that an unknown entity had used Barry's time travelling as an opportunity to fundamentally change reality. The fallout of the recent Darkseid War allowed Wally to attempt and accomplish out to his former friends in the hopes of either returning or warning them of the truth. Each attempt acquired him to autumn further into the Speed Force. After realizing that not fifty-fifty Linda (his traditional "lightning rod") could remember him, Wally sank into desolation and chose to appear earlier his uncle, Barry, one last time to give thanks him for the life he had given him. Just before Wally disappeared, Barry remembered him and dragged him out of the Speed Force. Wally'south presence integrates his Pre-Flashpoint history to the new timeline to accommodate his existence, resetting his by and those who associated with him. Post-obit a tearful reunion, Wally gave Barry his alarm of the truthful source of the universal change and the dangers to come.[14] Although the two make up one's mind to proceed Wally'due south return hush-hush from Iris based on Wally's ain experience with Linda, Barry encourages him to render to the Titans, just also recommends that he don a new costume to reflect that he is the Flash rather than 'Child Wink'.[15] [16] Wally goes to the Titans, and through both physical contact to Nightwing, Donna Troy, Arsenal, Tempest and Lilith Clay with the Speed Forcefulness reminding them of their memories with him, creating a new history. After an emotional reunion with his friends, he tells them of the situation. Wally believes that the unknown entity will attack again to prevent them from finding out the truth, which they volition do together equally Titans.[17]

Directly after the events in Titans: Rebirth, Lilith has Wally echo the story of his return in social club for her to use it as a means of making the mental connections between him, herself and the Titans stronger. While doing this, she notices the virtually powerful idea in Wally'due south mind is that of Linda Park, which sparks various, but supportive, reactions from the other Titans. Nightwing encourages Wally to seek Linda out and endeavour and make new memories with her. Elsewhere, Linda is however puzzled by Wally's sudden presence in her life and decides to investigate him further.[eighteen] During a confrontation with Abra Kadabra, Wally is forced to push himself so fast that he is sent into the Speed Force while trying to save her and the other Titans from being killed past Kadabra,[19] merely in a conversation with a manifestation of his memories of Linda, Wally is encouraged not to requite up on the thought that he can make a new relationship with her in this timeline, subsequently using his memories of the Titans as a new 'lightning-rod' to render to World.[20] Afterwards, Wally is visited by Superman, who confirms that he, like Wally, remembers the world that existed before history was 'edited'.[21]

Subsequently, Deathstroke wanted to utilize the Speed Force to relieve his son and takes out Wally. Wallace West and Damian Wayne managed to save Wally, but Damian Wayne had to stop Wally Due west'due south heart momentarily, making Wally West have a centre pacer. Subsequently that risk, while on a mission with the Titans, Wally learned that he has the ability to get fast and finish fourth dimension likewise.

Later on a battle against Psimon, Mister Twister, and the Fundamental, Wally used besides much of his abilities, and he seemingly dies. However, Child Wink (Wallace West) senses Wally'south "death" and rushes to find him. Afterwards noticing Wally West "dead", Child Flash senses that Wally is non completely expressionless and he revives him by jumpstarting his heart, curing Wally of his pacemaker condition. Wally Due west and so helps the Titans defeat Donna Troy'southward evil self from an alternating future, Troia and the other villains.

When Barry confronts Wally about how he has non fabricated whatsoever real endeavour to make contact with Iris, rebuild things with Linda, or even try to brand a new life for himself, Wally tries to compensate for this by tracking down Frances Kane, but his initial contact with her besides re-awakens her sometime psychological bug, causing her to assail Wally earlier he calms her down by confessing his own fears about his current circumstances. Inspired by this conversation, Wally calls Dick Grayson to help him buy an apartment. Yet, Wally is unaware that his friend-turned-foe Hunter Zolomon has returned. At present in a position of authority in the 25th century, Zolomon sends the Renegades into the past to abort Iris for the murder of Eobard Thawne with the intention of provoking a war betwixt the Flashes in guild to make 'the truthful Flash' stronger through tragedy.[22] Subsequently the Wink Family defeated Gorilla Grodd in a battle, Wally meets Iris for the first time after his disappearance. He begins remembering Pre-Flashpoint memories after Iris remembers him. Even so, a confrontation with his former ally Hunter Zolomon provokes Barry and Wally into conflict, as Hunter convinces Wally that the Speed Force must be destroyed to release those missing allies still 'trapped' inside it, including Wally'southward children, Jai and Iris West, Max Mercury and Impulse. Wally became determined to break the Speed Forcefulness open in a bid to costless them which led to a frantic chase, with Barry Allen trying to stop Wally before he did something desperate, remembering all also well the damage he himself had done to the fourth dimension-stream attempting to stop his female parent's murder during the Flashpoint event. Unfortunately, Wally proved himself to exist the true Fastest Man Alive and was able to outrun Barry and create the break he wanted. The resulting explosion sent both heroes back to Barry'southward hometown of Cardinal City and into the clutches of a gloating Zoom who chop-chop revealed that his true intention in reminding Wally about the existence of his children was to trick Wally into breaking the Force Barrier - a cosmic barricade that concealed energies that could be tapped into by the correct people in much the same way that the Speed Force empowers speedsters. These energies include the Sage Forcefulness - seemingly based around telepathic and telekinetic powers - and the Strength Force. Zoom discovered the existence of these energies reading 25th century history books and determined a way to tap into these energies as well as the Speed Forcefulness once the Force Bulwark was broken. He also donned a replica of Barry Allen's costume, declaring himself the one true Flash, before deciding that he would spare Barry and Wally the pain of their time to come lives by ending them now.

Heroes in Crisis [edit]

During the Heroes in Crisis story arc, Wally was initially believed to be one of the massacre's highest profile victims at the superhero rehabilitation facility known as Sanctuary, but is later on revealed to be not merely alive just actually the real culprit of the murderers. Wally explains all in his confession, one of the many recorded video transcripts that Wally himself sent to Lois Lane, while identifying himself every bit "The Puddler", that he'southward felt "alone" since his return, every bit his family remains wiped from existence, with no one even to remember them, except him. These tortured memories are what led him to Sanctuary in the starting time place, merely he plant no condolement there, instead, he relates how he even so felt alone considering he didn't see the same kind of pain in its other residents, and the program's anonymity just compounded his feelings of isolation. Wally therefore did some digging of his own into Sanctuary'due south resident records and uncovered a truth that he had been denying. Every ane of the heroes at Sanctuary were in fact coping and trying to overcome their own personal traumas, just as Wally was. Uncovering all this information at superspeed led to a flood of emotional experiences that momentarily allowed Wally to understand he wasn't so lone afterward all. While this realization might have initially given Wally some comfort, it all came to him in a comparative instant. Instead of helping to heal him, the onslaught of emotions broke him. In turn, he momentarily lost control of the powers of the Speed Force contained within him and in another fateful instant, the powers of the Speed Force were unleashed on the other heroes within Sanctuary, killing them instantly.

Wally accessing Sanctuary's files had tripped the facility'due south warning, and the moment of Wally'southward breakdown happened, Harley and Booster were immersed in their respective virtual reality therapy sessions. Taking advantage of that happy coincidence, Wally used his powers to deliver a superspeed sleight of hand at Harley and Booster'due south expense. As each exited their VR chambers, he reprogrammed them and tricked the pair into thinking they had left the chambers, when in fact they had not. Instead of seeing the actual massacre, what each instead saw was the other murdering Wally.

From there, Wally stole Booster'south time traveling tech, went v days into the future, killed his future self and brought his future torso dorsum to nowadays day to leave at the scene. Wally'south machinations are what led Booster to notice that dead Wally's trunk was five days too one-time. Wally then relocated all the bodies of the others he had slain, staging the murders to place himself above suspicion, and set up Harley and Booster as the prime suspects instead. To complete the subterfuge, Wally and so destroyed Sanctuary's figurer and robot attendants, and scribbled the at present-infamous "The puddlers are all dead" on Sanctuary'southward living room wall. He successfully misdirected anybody involved in the investigation until Ted Kord, Booster Gilded, Batgirl and Harley Quinn figured out that Wally was the cardinal to the murders, and they devised a way to rails Wally's time disturbance by utilizing Skeets and Kord Industries tech.

They testify upwardly simply as Wally is about to impale five-days-older-Wally, and 5-days Wally reveals that after he accidentally killed everyone in Sanctuary, he didn't travel back in time to "unmake" his mistake because that's what Barry did during Flashpoint, instead he sent the confession files to Lois Lane to try to "make up for what happened," telling the world what he'd done at Sanctuary, and encouraging people to become aid earlier they made the same mistakes he did. Five-days Wally reveals that this is the aforementioned thing that happened to him five days ago - that he also didn't impale the older Wally. Booster Golden explains that they can withal "shut" the loop, even without the dead body of five-days-old Wally. They can go to the 25th Century and "speed-clone" older Wally. Then younger Wally tin can take that cloned torso dorsum to the past. The Justice League eventually arrived and arrested Wally for the murders.

In The Flash #761, it was revealed that Eobard Thawne was responsible for manipulating Wally into killing the heroes at Sanctuary. Later this whole story was recollected in The Flash Annual #1 (2021), stating that Wally Due west was not responsible for these deaths, and it was revealed that Speed Forcefulness itself had actually caused information technology when trying to miscarry Savitar from its corridors.

Doomsday Clock [edit]

In the "Watchmen" sequel "Doomsday Clock," Lex Luthor mentioned to Lois Lane that someone has been undermining creation, like what Doctor Manhattan did with Wally West and the Justice Order of America.[23] When Dr. Manhattan altered the Metaverse (and in turn the Multiverse) and created the New 52 Universe, Wally (prior to being freed in DC Universe: Rebirth #one) briefly escaped the Speed Force to warn Doctor Manhattan that he knows what the latter did and that the heroes of the DC Universe will terminate him. Wally was pulled dorsum into the Speed Force afterwards.[24]

Flash-Frontwards and Generation [edit]

Wally is later recruited past Tempus Fuginaut who wants him to restore the balance between the Lite and Dark Multiverses. After saving several universes from existence consumed past dark-matter, Wally finds the Mobius Chair that once belonged to Metron and makes a deal with Fuginaut to return his children Jai and Iris, who were trapped in the Dark Multiverse, to his wife Linda Park. But afterwards sitting upon the chair, Wally, in addition to obtaining a cosmic level of knowledge, also obtains the powers of Physician Manhattan, after he put a fraction of his power into the chair. (Wally'southward costume and lightning proceeded to turn to the bluish of Manhattan, with Manhattan's logo forming on his forehead, and Wally now losing most all sense of emotion he had and now seeking logic and knowledge). Later finding out that Doctor Manhattan did non completely heal the Universe later Doomsday Clock, Wally begins using his newfound powers to gear up about restoring the timeline.[25]

Infinite Frontier [edit]

Post-obit the 2021 event Infinite Borderland #0, Wally is restored every bit the main Flash and central graphic symbol in The Flash series since #768, subsequently Barry Allen's departure to join Justice Incarnate. Wally'southward first storyline in the solo title sees him travel through the timeline as he attempts to prevent a destructive release of something in the Speed Force, which sees him meet his daughter, Iris, in the future equally an achieved Flash. In the arc'southward conclusion, in The Flash Annual 2021, Wally is thrown back to the moment of his greatest torment: the explosion at Sanctuary which killed his friends. He is unburdened by the revelation that this was not his error, merely rather that of the same Speed Force phenomenon, caused by the mad speedster Savitar and the Speed Force'southward attempts to miscarry him from its interior. With assistance from Mister Terrific, Barry Allen, Dark-green Pointer, and the past Roy Harper presently before he died at Sanctuary, Wally is able to bring Savitar back with him to the nowadays. Although Savitar easily overcomes Superman and Batman, Barry tells Wally to pace up, making use of his superior admission to the Speed Force to defeat, depower, and imprison Savitar once more. Redeemed and more than powerful than always, Wally returns to Linda and the kids, enthused to serve as Key Metropolis's Wink again.

Powers and abilities [edit]

Wally's primary superpower is his ability to control the speed at which his torso vibrates and to motility and think at super-speed, which he uses primarily to run at super-man velocities. This super-speed is derived from his mainline-connection to the Speed Strength: a vaguely-defined extra-dimensional and infinite energy source from which almost speedster heroes gain their powers. Wally is widely considered to be the Fastest Flash, and is significantly faster than Barry Allen.[26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] He has been confirmed to be the fastest beingness in the entire DC Multiverse. [25]

While most to all speedsters tin can make a connection and draw upon this force, Wally "mainlines" power from the Speed Force itself and cannot be cut off from the source. This connectedness to the Speed Strength grants him unique abilities that other speedsters lack, such as lending and taking speed (which manifests in different ways, ranging from becoming speedsters themselves to bolstering others metabolisms and healing abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries in a fraction of the normal time), likewise equally absorbing kinetic energy in a less direct style; he once absorbed the kinetic free energy of the entire planet Earth while standing at the N Pole when his teammates were forced to movement the planet to prevent possible earthquakes. Wally has also institute a way to create a costume out of pure Speed Force energy.[32]

Similar all Flashes, Wally is surrounded by a protective aura that allows him to resist the estrus created past the force per unit area of compressed air caused by moving at super speed also every bit other environmental consequences of moving at such velocities. Information technology is not known how Wally is able to circumvent the damage moving at such great speeds would usually have on the environment, but it has been hypothesized that his protective aureola allows him to "side step" such environmental consequences. Considering of his powers and connection to the Speed Force, he tin can run at varying speeds for extended periods of time without needing residual or causing damage to his body. Information technology is his connexion to the Speed Force that constantly rejuvenates him while running, making information technology and so he does not literally feed upon his own torso to generate the energy for super speed. Nevertheless, he has a sped-up metabolism and finds it necessary to eat often and in great quantities to help supply the chemical energy needed.

Using his abilities, Wally can run at such speed that he can run on h2o, create powerful vortices with his arms or torso, and vibrate at such speeds that he becomes invisible to the naked eye. Wally tin also match the vibrational constant of solid objects and vibrate through them, passing his molecules through the spaces in betwixt the atoms and molecules of the matter he is vibrating through, however, Wally accidentally destabilizes any he passes through, causing it to explode. While this has its drawbacks, Wally has learned to utilise this offensively in battle. Since Rebirth 2016, Wally improves this ability and tin vibrate through objects without causing them to explode.[33]

Instead of using the cosmic treadmill equally his uncle Barry, Wally can use his speed to travel through time. In Flash #150, he traveled dorsum to the events of Crunch on Space Earths and battled the Anti-Monitor, speed-blitzing him to expiry. He also outran decease to the border of the universe and beyond, where death didn't even exist and connected to run to go Linda back. There was a comic titled The Human Race in which Wally ran faster than instant teleportation, Reaching Trans-Fourth dimension Velocity. The Flash vol 2 #177 had Wally outrun the gravitational pull of a black pigsty. Using Jessie Quick's speed formula combined with his speed steal, Wally can temporally accelerate to the betoken where he escapes linear time, essentially allowing him to part like the chronokinetic Zoom.

Wally'due south connection to the Speed Force as well grants him low-to-loftier electrokinetic abilities. He generates large amounts of lightning while moving at super speed, likewise equally whenever he is angered. On certain occasions, Wally has been able to project arcs of Speed Strength lightning, such as when he is lending speed, or when he was using the Speed Force to restore the memories of the Titans, during DC Rebirth. Wally can also absorb electrical attacks and rebound them with 10 times the forcefulness.

Wally Due west is the Fastest Flash and is arguably the fastest being that has e'er existed, as said by Max Mercury—and information technology has been remarked that Wally and Barry are the but 2 speedsters that were fast enough to even outrun death itself.[11] Wally himself has performed several feats and made several references to exist faster than Barry and having surpassed him.[26]

Wally is fast enough to easily suspension all the speed barriers and even enter the Speed Force. Wally has, on several occasions, traveled much faster than light and entered and exited the Speed Force by his ain volition. He has shown that he tin can achieve practically any speed he wishes and that in that location are no limits to his speed.

Wally has fifty-fifty become so fast and so powerful, that he became faster than the Speed Force itself.[25]

Some interpretations of Wally are shown every bit having above boilerplate forcefulness. On the Justice League episode "The Brave and the Bold Part 2", the gorilla Solovar tells Wally that he weighed around 400 lbs; Wally and then proceeded to lift Solovar and run to condom.

Wally is as well a skilled science prodigy. In some versions, similar Young Justice, Wally uses these skills to recreate the accident that gave Barry his powers by himself, granting himself his own powers. Like his mentor, Wally understands what his speed enables him to exercise, and uses his noesis of physics to his advantage in battle.

After his return to the DC Universe, Wally is said to be even faster than earlier.[28] Titans (2016) #5 event, established that the Speed Force is within Wally more than e'er before. He can generate white lightning, which combines all the colors of the Speed Strength.[34] Also in DC Rebirth, Wally learned that he can sense when time has been manipulated, too as mind to the Speed Force, which allows him to sense disruptions in the space-time continuum.

Wally has had some paw-to-paw combat training, and is skilled in Judo.[35]

Allies and friends [edit]

Wally'southward male parent, Rudolph Due west[36] (a Manhunter agent), was presumed deceased following an explosion in Cuba during the Invasion series. He reappeared years later at, among other places, his ex-wife Mary West's (Wally'due south mother) second hymeneals. They both afterwards attended Wally and Linda's wedding.

While they disagree regularly, Wally has developed an odd friendship/respect with Batman, who has more than once fabricated it clear that those feelings are mutual.

Like his predecessors, West is best friends with the Green Lantern of his time (Kyle Rayner). Wally as well retained a close friendship with Kyle'southward predecessor, Hal Hashemite kingdom of jordan, who oftentimes looked out for Wally even while he was the Spectre. His best friend is Dick Grayson, who served with Wally on the Teen Titans as the outset Robin and served equally Wally'south best man at his wedding ceremony.

The members of the New Teen Titans, the squad Wally served on as Kid Wink, have reappeared several times throughout his life. Although they are not ever in close contact with one another, the team consider each other family; Wally is no exception.

Supporting cast [edit]

Wally has developed a very extensive supporting cast over the duration of his comic series that began in 1987. A few are former villains and adversaries, such as Pied Piper, Speed Demon and Chunk.

  • Linda Park-Westward – Wally Due west's girlfriend and later wife. Park is a news reporter, although she later goes to medical school.[37] Park is West's "lightning rod" when travelling in the Speed Force.
  • Mary West – Wally's female parent.
  • Iris West Allen – Wally's aunt, returned from the future. Iris was a role model for Wally growing up and i of the inspirations behind his career as the Flash.
  • Dr. Tina McGee – A scientist/nutritionist with whom Wally had a brief romantic involvement.[38]
  • Dr. Jerry McGee (a.k.a. Speed Demon, Speed McGee) – Tina'due south (formerly ex-) hubby and old super-speed villain.[39]
  • Frances Kane (a.k.a. Magenta) – A former love interest of Westward who afterwards joins the Rogues and becomes a supervillain.[twoscore]
  • Connie Noleski – A model and girlfriend of Wally'southward in his early career as the Flash. She is currently married to Clamper.
  • Chester P. Runk (a.chiliad.a. Chunk) – A vivid physicist who became a walking black hole afterward a affair-transmitting auto he invented imploded during its starting time test.
  • Mason Trollbridge – The quondam kid sidekick of a hard-edged Depression-era crimefighter known as the Clipper.
  • Pied Piper – One of Barry Allen's former Rogues whom Wally and Linda befriended. Piper even expressed his homosexuality to Wally on a rooftop while in discussion with him about the Joker.
  • Jay Garrick – The original Flash. Currently out of semi-retirement and a fellow member of the Justice Society of America.
  • Jesse Quick – The daughter of Liberty Belle and Johnny Quick, Jesse is a second generation superhero and speedster like her begetter.
  • Max Mercury – The Zen Chief of Speed.
  • Bart Allen (Kid Flash) – Barry and Iris Allen's grandson from the time to come. Originally codenamed Impulse. He was a member of the Teen Titans when he took on Wally's old identity.
  • Ashley Zolomon – Current Rogue Profiler with the Keystone Metropolis PD and onetime wife of Hunter Zolomon.
  • Jai West and Iris West – Wally and Linda's children. Anile 1 chronologically, but physically nearly 8 due to an unstable connection to the Speed Force. Wally had to teach them at super-speed, so they are mentally about the same age as they are physically. Following their nigh being killed by their powers, all of it was transferred to Iris, who became the new Impulse.

Group affiliations [edit]

Wally is a founding member of the Teen Titans,[41] the New Teen Titans,[42] the Titans,[43] Justice League Europe,[44] Justice League Job Force,[45] the "JLA" incarnation of the Justice League,[46] and Justice League Aristocracy,[47] among other affiliations.

Other versions [edit]

Armageddon 2001 [edit]

In the Armageddon 2001 crossover, a possible future shows Wally has married and fathered a son. The Wests are forced to movement into the Witness Protection Programme to escape a mobster that can discern secrets with a touch. Wally's son gains his super-speed, but not his protective aura. Later defeating the mobster and his older Rogues Gallery, Wally manages to pass on his abilities to his son, granting him the much-needed aureola.[48]

Dark Flash reality [edit]

The Flash vol. 2 #150–159 (1999–2000) introduces a version of Wally named Walter West, also known as the Nighttime Flash, who appeared in the master DC universe later Wally and Linda were apparently killed in a fight with Abra Kadabra after he tried to dispose of Linda by sending her into Walter's reality, prompting Walter to travel back to Wally'due south world to accept his place in recognition of his other self's sacrifice. This version of Wally is revealed to be an older, scarred, more powerful and experienced version from another reality within Hypertime (although he only revealed his truthful identity to Jay Garrick, Donna Troy and Superman so that he could work with their various teams). It is revealed that this version of Wally was unable to relieve Linda from death at Kobra's hands. This made Walter a darker hero similar to Batman in The Night Knight Returns storyline. After Walter's presence in the main DC Universe starts to cause other realities in Hypertime to bleed over into the master i, Superman and Wonder Woman forcefulness Walter to transverse Hypertime and return home. Although he leaves the principal DC Universe, he appears to never brand information technology dorsum to his own reality. He seems to go from reality to reality with no success. Subsequently Hypertime was abandoned past DC, Walter Westward'due south continued beingness becomes unclear.[49] Dark Flash/Walter West appears equally an alternate costume for Wink in the video game Justice League Heroes.

Earth Ane [edit]

Wally is one of the children given powers from the Titans Projection headed by Niles Caulder. Alongside Kole Weathers and Cassie Sandsmark, Wally is one of the starting time Titans to work for Caulder, even because him a father. After a struggle with the other experimented children, Vic Stone, Tara Markov, Gar Logan, Tempest and Raven, a repenting Deathstroke and the alien Starfire, Wally turns on Caulder. In this universe, he takes on the proper noun Impulse instead.[50]

Elseworlds [edit]

An Elseworlds tale in Superboy vol. four Annual #1 (1994) shows a Wally West that had lost the utilize of his legs and had them replaced with bionic ones. With his bogus legs, Wally was not able to run at loftier speeds, though he could withal move his arms at super-speed. This version of Wally died saving Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) from a yellow projectile.[51]

Flash Annual [edit]

The Wink vol. 3 Annual #7 (1994, ane of a series of Elseworlds annuals) shows a Flash who has become a superstar celebrity and motion picture manager. He was apparently left disabled by an endeavor past the Helm Cold to create a new Ice Age, which in this reality also resulted in the death of Barry Allen. Wally's pic is repeatedly interrupted by the Captain Cold'southward insistence that Wally's version is a lie (claiming that he had benevolent intentions and that Barry's death was a tragic accident) – much to Wally's horror, the Captain Cold is given the authority to brand changes to the film. During a confrontation in the carpark, the Helm Cold's demonisation of Barry Allen is ended when he is killed by a lightning bolt (which Wally suspects may be divine intervention).

Flashpoint [edit]

In the alternate timeline of the Flashpoint storyline, Wally West acts as an assistant and cameraman for his aunt Iris, who in this reality is a television reporter. Investigating Central Metropolis's hero, Citizen Cold, Wally discovers that his true identity is that of a former low-level criminal. Citizen Common cold confronts him earlier he can reveal this information and freezes him in a block of ice.[52] Wally was a babyhood friend of Pied Piper, who arrives at Wally'southward lair and discovers Wally is killed by Citizen Cold. Pied Piper takes Wally's place in uncovering bear witness of Denizen Cold's true identity.[53] Afterwards, a funeral is held for Wally past his Aunt Iris, along with her husband John.[54]

JLA: Another Nail [edit]

In JLA: Some other Boom, Wally West (every bit Kid Flash) makes a brief appearance when all time periods meld together. He is flying with Wonder Girl (Donna Troy).

Kingdom Come up [edit]

The Flash (Wally West) in Kingdom Come. Art by Alex Ross.

In Marking Waid'southward Kingdom Come, set on Earth—22, Wally has become the godlike embodiment of the Speed Force, being "everywhere at once", and "living between the ticks of a second". He keeps his home of Keystone City safe by patrolling it nonstop at super speed.[55] He joins Superman's revived Justice League, and helps found the "Gulag", a high tech prison for superhuman criminals. Wally is 1 of the few superheroes that survives the United nations nuclear attack on the Gulag.[56]

The sequel The Kingdom provides more background on Wally'due south futurity history. The Kingdom: Kid Flash #one (February 1999) follows Wally's twin children, Barry and Iris W (originally mentioned in Marking Waid'southward The Life Story of the Wink, "written" by Iris Allen, where she describes her namesake in a positive low-cal and Barry Westward equally "a tragedy"). The twins have inherited their father's speed, but only Iris decides to get a superhero (as the new Kid Wink), while Barry is a slacker who uses his speed merely to waste time. Wally at commencement rebuffs Iris' attempts to impress him, every bit he doesn't believe she's doing practiced for the right reasons. When Iris joins a team of second-generation heroes to travel into the past and confront Gog, Wally finally admits that she has earned the right to the name "Child Flash."

Superman & Batman: Generations 2 [edit]

In John Byrne's graphic novel Superman & Batman: Generations ii, characters from the DC Universe are shown to historic period in existent time. In this serial, Wally appears as the Flash in 1964,[57] which is the year he offset appeared in the mainstream DC universe as a founding fellow member of the Teen Titans (though in this version, he is a founding member of the Justice League). Past 1986, Wally has retired and been replaced by the fourth Wink (Carrie Allen, the daughter of Barry Allen).[58] Wally's son, Jay West, in plow, replaces Carrie in 2008 to become the fifth Flash.[59]

Collected editions [edit]

Wally West's stories from The Wink vol. 2 have been reprinted in several trade paperbacks and hardcover collections.

Title Vol. Fabric collected Publication date ISBN
The Flash: Vicious Velocity The Wink vol. two #1-18, Annual #ane September 2020 SC: 978-1401299576
The Wink: Born to Run The Flash vol. 2, #62–65; The Flash Annual #8; Speed Strength #1; Flash 80-Page Behemothic #i June 1999 978-1563895043
Flash: The Return of Barry Allen The Flash vol. 2, #74–79 July 1996 978-1563892684
Impulse: Reckless Youth The Flash vol. 2, #92–94; Impulse #1–6 Apr 1997 978-1563892769
The Wink: Terminal Velocity The Flash vol. 2, #0, 95–100 September 1995 978-1563892493
The Flash: Dead Oestrus The Flash vol. ii, #108–111; Impulse #10–xi August 2000 978-1563896231
The Flash: Race Against Time The Flash vol. 2, #112–118 July 2001 978-1563897214
The Wink: Emergency Finish The Flash vol. 2, #130–135 January 2009 978-1401221775
The Flash: The Human Race The Wink vol. 2, #136–141; "Flash of Two Worlds" from Secret Origins #50 June 2009 978-1401222390
The Flash: Wonderland The Flash vol. 2, #164–169 October 2007 978-1401214890
The Flash: Blood Will Run The Flash vol. 2, #170–176; The Flash Secret Files and Origins #3; The Flash: Iron Heights #ane [2nd ed. merely]
  • (1st ed.) June 2002
  • (2nd ed.) February 2008
  • (1st ed.) 978-1563898792
  • (2nd ed.) 978-1401216474
The Flash: Rogues The Flash vol. 2, #177–182 February 2003 978-1563899508
The Flash: Crossfire The Flash vol. 2, #183–191 March 2004 978-1401201951
The Flash: Blitz The Wink vol. two, #192–200 August 2004 978-1401203351
The Flash: Ignition The Flash vol. 2, #201–206 March 2005 978-1401204631
The Flash: The Hugger-mugger of Barry Allen The Flash vol. 2, #207–211, 213–217 Baronial 2005 978-1401207236
The Flash: Rogue War The Flash vol. ii, #½, 212, 218, 220–225 January 2006 978-1401209247
The Flash: The Wild Wests The Flash vol. ii #231–237 August 2008 HC: 978-1401218287
The Wink Omnibus by Geoff Johns one The Flash vol. 2 #164–176; The Flash: Our Worlds at War #1; The Wink Secret Files and Origins #3; The Wink: Fe Heights May 2011 HC: 978-1401230685
2 The Flash vol. 2 #177–200; DC First: The Flash/Superman #i April 2012 HC: 978-1401233914
3 The Flash vol. two #201–225; Wonder Adult female Vol. 2 #214 September 2012 HC: 978-1401237172
The Flash by Geoff Johns ane The Flash vol. 2 #164–176; The Wink: Iron Heights #one December 2015 SC: 978-1401258733
2 The Wink vol. ii #177–188; The Flash: Our Worlds At War #i; The Wink Secret Files and Origins #3; DC Starting time: The Flash/Superman #1 May 2016 SC: 978-1401261016
3 The Flash vol. 2 #189-200 November 2016 SC: 978-1401264987
four The Flash vol. 2 #201-213 December 2017 SC: 978-1401273651
v The Flash vol. ii #214–225, 1/two; Wonder Adult female vol. ii #214 July 2018 SC: 978-1401281076
The Flash past Grant Morrison and Mark Millar The Flash vol. ii #130-141; Light-green Lantern #96; Dark-green Arrow #130 April 2016 SC: 978-1401261023
The Flash by Mark Waid ane The Flash Special #1; The Flash vol. 2 #62–68, Annuals #4–5; The Flash TV Special #1 Dec 2016 SC: 978-1401267353
two The Flash vol. 2 #69–79, Annual #6; Green Lantern vol. 3 #30–31, #forty; Justice League International Quarterly #10 May 2017 SC: 978-1401268442
3 The Flash vol. 2 #lxxx–94 Oct 2017 SC: 978-1401273927
4 The Flash vol. two #0, #95-105, Annual #8 April 2018 SC: 978-1401278212
five The Flash vol. 2 #106-118; Impulse #10-11 Oct 2018 SC: 978-1401284602
half dozen The Wink vol. two #119-129; Green Lantern/Wink: Faster Friends #1; Flash/Green Lantern: Faster Friends #1; Flash Plus Nightwing #1; a story from DC Universe Holiday Bash #1 June 2019 SC: 978-1401293802
7 The Wink vol. 2 #142-150; Speed Force #1; The Flash Secret Files and Origins #1; Flash fourscore-Folio Giant #1 May 2020 SC: 978-1779500199
eight The Wink vol. 2 #151-163, The Flash Almanac #12, The Flash Clandestine Files and Origins #2 2021 SC:

Collected editions featuring the other Flashes Jay Garrick and Barry Allen also every bit Wally West:

Championship Material nerveless Publication date ISBN
The Greatest Flash Stories Ever Told Flash Comics #one, 66, 86; Comic Column #24; Showcase #4; The Wink vol. i #107, 113, 119, 124, 125, 137, 143, 148, 179; Five-Star Super-Hero Spectacular; The Flash vol. 2 #2 February 1991
April 1992
HC: 978-0930289812
SC: 978-0930289843
The Flash: The Greatest Stories Always Told Flash Comics #86, 104; The Flash vol. 1 #123, 155, 165, 179; The Flash vol. 2 #91; DC Special Serial #xi August 2007 978-1401213725
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Six Final Crunch: Rogues' Revenge #ane-3 (miniseries); The Flash: Rebirth #1–vi (miniseries); Blackest Night: The Flash #1-3 (miniseries) August 2019 SC: 978-1401292638

In other media [edit]

Television [edit]

Animation [edit]

  • Wally W appears as Kid Flash in The Superman/Aquaman 60 minutes of Adventure, in the segments "Take a Giant Stride" and "To Catch a Blue Bolt"; the latter shows Barry Allen and Wally irresolute into their Flash and Kid Wink uniforms using their rings. Wally's advent differs from his comic book counterpart. He has black hair, and the red and yellow colour scheme of his second costume is reversed, as well every bit simplified to put him in trunks.
  • Wally Westward as the Flash appears in the Superman: The Animated Serial episode "Speed Demons", voiced by Charlie Schlatter.
  • Wally Due west as Child Flash appears in Teen Titans, with Michael Rosenbaum reprising his role.
  • Wally Westward appears every bit the Wink in Justice League and its successor serial, Justice League Unlimited, voiced by Michael Rosenbaum. Unlike the balance of the heroes, Wink's real proper name remained a secret for most of the series. He is only chosen past his real-name four times; One time by Batman upon revealing his own identity in "Starcrossed", once each past Hawkgirl and Dark-green Lantern when they, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman and Batman pull him out of the Speed Force afterwards his near-suicidal defeat of the Brainiac-enhanced Luthor, and past his colleagues in "Flash and Substance". This version, unlike the comics, has Barry Allen's chore every bit a CSI.
  • Wally West as the Flash, forth with Batman, John Stewart, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter, appears in Static Shock.
  • Wally W as Child Flash appears in an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold titled "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster", voiced past Hunter Parrish.
  • Wally Due west equally Kid Flash appears in Young Justice, voiced by Jason Spisak equally one of the core six characters and a founding member of 'the Team'. Similar the comics, this version is Dick Grayson'due south best friend and is also shown on multiple occasions to have a hyper-metabolism, requiring him to eat a lot of food to maintain his speed. However, reverse to the comics, this Wally West is significantly slower than both Barry and Bart Allen (his pinnacle speed allows him to run from Boston to Seattle in nigh 3½ hours[60]). This is explained by his having intentionally recreated the accident that first gave Barry his powers (blowing upwardly his parents' garage in the process).
  • Wally West as Kid Flash appears in an episode of Teen Titans Become! titled "Multiple Play a trick on Pony", voiced by Volition Friedle.
  • Wally W as Kid Flash appears every bit a not-voiced cameo in a DC Super Friends short.
  • Wally Westward as the Flash appears in Mad aslope Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, and Bart Allen where they endeavour to entreatment to Superman, Batman, and Wonder Adult female well-nigh existence called "Super Friends".
  • Wally W as Child Flash appears in a segment of Robot Chicken titled "Bring a Sidekick to Piece of work Twenty-four hour period", voiced by Seth Greenish.

Live action [edit]

  • Wallace F. "Wally" Due west appeared as a master graphic symbol in The CW series The Flash, played by Keiynan Lonsdale. Introduced in season two, he is a reinterpretation of Wally W, condign Iris's younger brother as opposed to her nephew. Like the other Wests in The Flash, Wally is African American, as opposed to his usual red-headed delineation, which coincided with DC re-introducing Wally as biracial in the comics (DC later re-designated this revised version of the character as Wallace Due west, the cherry-haired Wally'south cousin.) In the bear witness, Wally becomes Kid Flash in season three during an blow involving Barry Allen'southward powers.[61] The character is subsequently transitioned to the spin-off serial Legends of Tomorrow as a series regular in the back one-half of flavor three,[62] and makes a crossover appearance in an episode of Supergirl during the crossover event "Crisis on Globe-10."

Video games [edit]

  • Wally Due west as the Flash appears every bit a playable grapheme in Justice League Job Force.
  • Wally West as the Wink appears as a playable character in Justice League Heroes, voiced by Chris Edgerly.
  • Wally West every bit the Flash appears as the main graphic symbol in Justice League Heroes: The Flash. He is also voiced by Chris Edgerly.
  • Wally West as the Wink appears alongside Jay Garrick and Barry Allen in DC Universe Online.
  • Wally West as Kid Flash appears every bit a playable character in Immature Justice: Legacy. He is voiced by Jason Spisak.
  • Wally West's DC Rebirth version appears every bit a playable character in the mobile port of Injustice: Gods Amongst United states of america.
  • Wally West appears in Injustice 2 equally a cameo for Flash'southward ending. He is seen running with Barry Allen, Jay Garrick, Wallace W and Jesse Quick.
  • Wally Due west as the Flash and Kid Flash from Young Justice appears equally a playable graphic symbol in Lego DC Super-Villains, with Jason Spisak reprising both of these roles.
  • Wally Westward'southward DC Rebirth version appears as an unlockable playable character in DC Legends: Boxing for Justice.

Reception [edit]

In 2011, IGN ranked Wally West #8 on their listing of the "Top 100 Super Heroes of All Time", ahead of other speedster heroes, stating that "Wally West is one of the DCU's greatest heroes, even if he does not rank equally the original Scarlet Speedster".[63] In 2013, Wally West placed 6th on IGN'south Top 25 Heroes of DC Comics, also alee of other speedsters.[64]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d Jimenez, Phil (2008). "The Wink". In Dougall, Alastair (ed.). The DC Comics Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. pp. 124–127. ISBN978-0-7566-4119-1. OCLC 213309017.
  2. ^ Wells, John (2015). American Comic Volume Chronicles: 1960-64. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 125. ISBN978-1605490458.
  3. ^ Crunch on Space Earths #seven (Oct 1985)
  4. ^ a b Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 (March 1986)
  5. ^ Baron, Mike (w), Guice, Jackson (p), Mahlstedt, Larry (i). "Flash" The Wink v2, #1: 1 (June 1987), DC Comics
  6. ^ Businesswoman, Mike (w), Guice, Jackson (p), Mahlstedt, Larry (i). "Flash" The Wink v2, #1: 20/5 (June 1987), DC Comics
  7. ^ Baron, Mike (w), Guice, Jackson (p), Mahlstedt, Larry (i). "Centre... of Stone!" Flash v2, #2: 22/3 (July 1987), DC Comics
  8. ^ Messner-Loebs, William (w), LaRocque, Greg (p), Marzan, Jose, Jr. (i). "The Fastest Human being... Live!" The Flash v2, #50: 22/3 (May 1991), DC Comics
  9. ^ Waid, Mark (w), LaRocque, Greg (p), Richardson, Roy (i). "The One time and Future Flash" The Flash v2, #79 (August 1993), DC Comics
  10. ^ Waid, Marking (w), Larroca, Salvador (p), Marzan, Jose, Jr. (i). "Terminal Velocity" The Wink v2, #95–100 (Nov 1994 – Apr 1995)
  11. ^ a b Waid, Mark (due west), Jimenez, Oscar (p), Marzan, Jose, Jr. (i). "Going the Distance" The Flash v2, #101 (May 1995)
  12. ^ "Updated: All Flash #ane". Newsarama. June 27, 2007. Retrieved 2011-01-xvi .
  13. ^ Titans Hunt #8 (May 2016)
  14. ^ DC Universe: Rebirth one-shot (May 2016)
  15. ^ Titans: Rebirth (2017)
  16. ^ The Flash: Rebirth one-shot (June 2016)
  17. ^ Titans: Rebirth ane-shot (June 2016)
  18. ^ Titans vol. three #i (July 2016)
  19. ^ Titans vol. three #five (November 2016)
  20. ^ Titans vol. iii #6 (December 2016)
  21. ^ Titans vol. 3 #7 (Jan 2017)
  22. ^ The Flash vol. 5 Annual #1
  23. ^ Doomsday Clock #9. DC Comics.
  24. ^ Doomsday Clock #10. DC Comics.
  25. ^ a b c Flash Forward (2019—2020)
  26. ^ a b Waid, Marker. The Flash: Chain Lightning – Volume ii.
  27. ^ Abnett, Dan. Titans (2017) Vol 1: The Render of Wally West.
  28. ^ a b Abnett, Dan. Titans #seven (2017).
  29. ^ O'Ragan, Jack (March 15, 2017). "The Flash: xv Speedsters Faster Than Barry Allen". screenrat . Retrieved April 16, 2017.
  30. ^ Williamson, Josh. The Flash (2016) Effect #49.
  31. ^ Williamson, Josh. The Flash (2016) Consequence #50: Wink War.
  32. ^ Johns, Geoff. The Wink Passenger vehicle – Book 1.
  33. ^ Abnett, Dan. Titans vol. 3 (2016) #nine.
  34. ^ Abnett, Dan. Titans: Rebirth (2017).
  35. ^ The Flash vol. 2 #2 (July 1987)
  36. ^ Baron, Mike (w), Guice, Jackson (p), Torrance, Jack (i), Eiber, Shelley (col), Haynie, Steve (let), Gold, Mike (ed). "Speed McGee" Flash v2, #5: 15/half-dozen (October 1987), DC Comics
  37. ^ Johns, Geoff. The Flash Jitney Book ii.
  38. ^ Baron, Mike (w), Guice, Jackson (p), Mahlstedt, Larry (i). "Impale the Kilg%re!" The Flash v2, #four (September 1987), DC Comics
  39. ^ Businesswoman, Mike (westward), Guice, Jackson (p), Torrance, Jack (i). "Speed McGee" The Flash v2, #5 (October 1987), DC Comics
  40. ^ Johns, Geogg. The Flash Charabanc Volume 1.
  41. ^ "The Thousand-and-One Dooms of Mr. Twister" Brave and the Bold 54 (July 1964), DC Comics
  42. ^ "Where Nightmares Begin!" DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980), DC Comics
  43. ^ "That Strange Buzzing Sound" The Titans 1 (March 1999), DC Comics
  44. ^ "How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On the Subcontract After They've Seen Paree?" Justice League Europe #1 (April 1989), DC Comics
  45. ^ "The Tyranny Gun!" Justice League Task Force 1 (June 1993), DC Comics
  46. ^ "Them!" JLA #1 (January 1997), DC Comics
  47. ^ "No Mercy" Justice League Elite #1 (September 2004), DC Comics
  48. ^ The Wink vol. 2 Annual #iv (1991)
  49. ^ The Flash vol. 2 #150–159
  50. ^ Teen Titans: Earth One vol. ii
  51. ^ Superboy Annual vol. four #1 (December 1994)
  52. ^ Flashpoint: Citizen Cold #1 (June 2011)
  53. ^ Flashpoint: Denizen Cold #two (July 2011)
  54. ^ Flashpoint: Child Wink Lost #iii (August 2011)
  55. ^ Kingdom Come #i, (May 1996)
  56. ^ Kingdom Come up #4 (Aug 1996)
  57. ^ Superman & Batman: Generations 2 #2 (September 2001)
  58. ^ Superman & Batman: Generations two #iii (October 2001)
  59. ^ Superman & Batman: Generations ii #4 (November 2001)
  60. ^ Young Justice S01E20 'Coldhearted'
  61. ^ Gelman, Vlada (July 12, 2016). "The Flash Outset Await: Encounter Kid Flash!". Boob tube Line.
  62. ^ "Legends of Tomorrow Adds the Flash Star Keiynan Lonsdale as Series Regular".
  63. ^ IGN IGN. "100 Greatest Superheroes of all fourth dimension". IGN. IGN. Retrieved xx July 2011.
  64. ^ Schedeen, Jesse (2013-11-19). "The Superlative 25 Heroes of DC Comics". IGN. Retrieved 2015-11-01 .

External links [edit]

  • Kid Flash (Wally West) at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
  • Flash (Wally West) at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
  • Wink (1986) at Don Markstein'southward Toonopedia. Archived from the original on July 30, 2016.
  • DCU Guide: Wally West


How to Draw Kid Flash From Young Justice TUTORIAL

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